Incrediwear Exercise Bandages
****COMES WITH TWO BANDAGES**** ⭐️⭐️Free Shipping ⭐️⭐️
The Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages are designed to fit comfortably around the horse’s legs and is secured with a reliable Velcro strip. Circulation Exercise Bandages are created to help prevent injury, accelerate recovery time, and improve performance.
Passive Recovery – Wrap horse’s legs with Circulation Exercise Bandages after working your horse to reduce inflammation for recovery and injury prevention.
Cold Therapy – Simply wet Circulation Exercise Bandages and ring out excess water. Cold therapy effectiveness will remain for up to 1 hour to reduce swelling. For more dramatic icing effect, hot water can be used – place Exercise Bandages in hot water for 2 minutes, rinse excess water, wait a minute for bandage to cool down a bit and apply.
1. Wear Circulation Exercise Bandages while working your horse.
2. Immediately following working your horse, wet exercise bandages and leave on for approximately 45 minutes up to 1 hour. Circulation Exercise Bandages act as an ice pack for 45 minutes up to 1 hour to decrease swelling.
3. Remove the Circulation Exercise Bandages and place the Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps and/or Incrediwear Circulation Hoof Socks on for up to 24hrs (dry). Can be worn overnight (dry).
Some conditions amenable to treatment with Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages and Standing Wraps:
Tendinitis/Suspensory Desmitis – Both of these conditions can include inflammation, injury and/or degeneration of the tendon/ligament, usually involving the matrix to some degree. Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages worn for at least an hour before work has shown efficacy at reducing the pathologic swelling that may limit the normal function of the tendon/ligament and may lead to weakness in the structure. During the acute phases (pain on palpation of the affected area), it is beneficial to wear the Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages wet for at least an hour/day as ice bandages. In chronic cases, it may be beneficial to work the horse in dry Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages. Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps can be used around the clock while in the stall.
Inferior Check Ligament Desmitis – This is a condition often associated with painful inflammation and possible adhesion formation between the inferior check ligament (ICL) and either the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) or the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT). Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps or Circulation Exercise Bandages can be worn around the clock to reduce inflammation and prevent or treat adhesion formation, particularly as the horse is starting back to work.
Annular Ligament Desmitis/Wind Puffs – These conditions encompassing the fetlock region usually involve inflammation and possible adhesions in the case of the annular ligament. Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps or Circulation Exercise Bandages can be worn around the clock to reduce inflammation and prevent or treat adhesion formation, particularly as the horse is starting back to work.
Bucked Shins/Splints – Both of these conditions involve inflammation of the bone and/or periosteum. Incrediwear Equine Standing Wraps or Circulation Exercise Bandages can be worn around the clock to reduce inflammation and promote bone remodeling. During the acute phases (pain on palpation of the affected area), it would be beneficial to wear the Incrediwear Equine Therapeutic wraps wet for at least an hour/day as ice bandages.
Green Osselots – This is a condition involving generalized inflammation of the fetlock joint of young racehorses, particularly at the joint capsule insertion to the cannon bone. Incrediwear Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages can be worn either wet or dry to reduce the inflammation in the acute phases.
Stocking up – This is a condition that most often affects the lymphatic drainage of the distal limb resulting in an accumulation of “pitting edema” within the subcutaneous tissues of the limb. Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps can be worn around the clock or Equine Circulation Exercise Bandages can be applied for an hour before work or worn during exercise.